Sunday, August 26, 2007

Love Song To A Stranger

i crave emptiness. like hot choc'late on a cold day. i'm happy. coccooned inside the sound of some ancient forgotten music.

black paper the windows. nail boards across the doors.

i heard something new, that i know i've heard before. it died before i could get to it. there's a whole new revolution brewing. but they burnt it at the stake.

i never read the love letter on the breeze. fragments of it still lie scattered across some lonely, distant soul. there's just so much i can say. the rest has been said before, but you never listened. some of it is left unsaid ..smouldering in the shade... going to waste.

"Don't tell me of love everlasting and other sad dreams
I don't want to hear
Just tell me of passionate strangers who rescue each other
From a lifetime of cares
Because if love means forever, expecting nothing returned
Then I hope I'll be given another whole lifetime to learn"

- Joan Baez (Love Song To A Stranger)

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