Monday, August 13, 2007


it's like having something completely abstract and formless on display in a window. would it be any colour? would there be a spotlight, pointing in one direction? this is where to look. this is the point. this is the exact location of the thing you were once looking for.
will there be paper signs stuck on the outside on the glass? will they have prices printed on them? will be ever extract ourselves from this mindless clutter?
honestly, i'd rather not. but, then again, i'm dying to.

and when you're going way over the speed limit
not really lookin' at what's in front of you
when you're sprawled across a broken wall
when the sky breaks into a million tiny pieces

that's when it really counts...


Mind Mapping said...

i'm happy inside my head you know.
so i dont really mind.
but then again at times i want my head to JUST SHUT UP.
and ive probably said this a million times before.
but im saying it again.
it becomes too random too fast for comfort.

Aquilus~ said...

I think you only know what you were really looking for once youve found it. It is retrospective. You take a chance, you buy it, and later, you see all the flaws in it, but youre still happy, because you'd rather have it with all its flaws than not have it at all.

but thats not what you were saying.

sorry, i'm spaced out too!
and jai hind.

Rajasee Ray said...

i think, at least, i think i think, that when you've found what you've been looking for you don't know what you were looking for anymore.
i think no one's really looking for anything at all...
they just think they are.
i like my head when it goes all slow and woozie. its like dreaming but it isn't.
we're all talking about different things.
and im rather fond of this mindless clutter. except when it gets on my nerves which is quite often.

Mind Mapping said...

i wonder where he is.